Registered Charity no: 299486
The 1st Burwash and Etchingham Scout group have been part of the local community for a long time. Our records go back to 1926. It was called the Burwash group – at a later date (not known to us) we become the 1st Burwash and Etchingham Scout group.
Later on the Group from Burwash Weald and Common became part of the1sT Burwash .
We provide Scouting for boys and girls from age 5 ¾ . Note there is no upper limit.
Our Beaver section meets on Wednesday evenings from 17.00 till 18.15 in school term time. To become part of the beavers you will need to be between 5 ¾ and 8 years old. Brown Beaver is in charge and is helped by some assistant Beaver leaders. Just come along on the evening and find out what it is all about.
Our Cub section meets on Tuesday evenings from 18.30 till 20.00 in school term time. Cubs are aged 8 till 10 ½. The section leader is called Akela. It is based on the Rudyard Kipling novel; The Jungle Book. The evenings are filled with lots of activities and we normally try to be teaching many scouting skills outside.
The Scout section meets every Monday night from 18.30 till 20.00 in school term time. The Scout age is 10 ½ till 14 years old. Be prepared for lots of exiting activities like canoeing, archery, climbing, hikes etc… Cubs and Scouts do camp; those activities take place on additional days outside the normal meetings. If you would like a taster why not come and visit us?
Our group has a Committee who runs the administration and makes sure the scouts can do what scouts do. We fundraise to collect money to pay for the upkeep of the Scout HQ and make sure it is possible to keep the subs as low as possible so that lots of children can experience scouting. To be part of this team contact us – we meet once every few months on discuss our strategies..
We are always keen to have helpers and new leaders
For all information about us: please contact Bernadette Spencer or email bandescoutgroup@gmail.com