Project Update as of 14-01-25
The Parish Council voted at the Full Council meeting held on 14th January 2025 to pause the project to build a new Community Hub facility. This decision was taken due to the changing landscape at local government level and the potential devolution of Rother District Council and the withdrawal by main Government of the main source of community funding. The Clerk advised that it would make sense to pause the project until alternative sources for community funding become available and the strategic community funding has been established at a local government level.
The Community Hub Alternatives Working Party is still live and meeting to assess whether alternative options could be viable. To review the minutes of the meetings had so far by the working party, please click here.
Project Background
The Neighbourhood Plan identified that residents would like to see a new Community Hub facility within Burwash. The Parish Council have identified in their business plan, agreed in October 2023, the replacement of the current parish office, parish rooms, scout hut and public toilets with a new facility that would incorporate additional clinic space that could be used by the NHS to deliver extra services to residents. The Parish Council have resolved to explore this idea by speaking to Rother District Council and project specialists to scope out the potential of the project. Another piece of work is being completed alongside the Community Hub to assess the other spaces available in the parish for their potential use.
Thank you to everyone who responded to the ‘in principle’ survey looking at whether residents would support the Parish Council moving to the next stage of the project. For the results of the survey, please click here.
Results for the whole survey including ideas on what to have in the new spaces can be found in the attachments below.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1). Who will pay for the new building?
The Parish Council would apply for grants and use money from developments that are already underway within Burwash to part fund the project. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding is given to the parish by developers to underpin new infrastructure to support new developments. This has to be spent within 5 years of receipt or it reverts back to the local authority. Other funding would come from government grants and directly from the Parish Council reserves. There is also the possibility that there might be a small amount of borrowing from the Government over a long period of time. Until the scope of the project has been determined, funding cannot be sought so the project is in it’s very early stages.
2). Who will use the new building?
Use of the building is intended for the community and not for business to operate out of. Users would be the Parish Council, Scouts, the NHS and local organisations and groups, i.e. Sussex Outreach Support to provide real community benefit.
3). What will happen to other village halls and spaces in Burwash?
Nothing. They will continue to operate in the way the do currently. Most of the current halls and spaces in Burwash charge for rent or hire and this wouldn’t change.
4). What will the new building look like?
We don’t know that yet. The Parish Council have had an architect put together an impression of what it could look like but the actual building will be decided at a later date once the public procurement has been completed.
5). Will I be able to have my say?
Yes, absolutely, we welcome everyone to have their say on this idea. Consultation will be the backbone of the project. This is just the initial consultation on the ‘idea’. If residents like the idea in principle and the response is positive then the Parish Council will move towards getting planning permissions and funding in place for the next step. Residents have already voted positively on the principle idea of the project and more consultation will be held as the project moves on in the form of surveys, feedback forms and open public meetings.
6). What is the next step?
This is the first stage of a long process. With the positive response of residents to the idea in principle, the Parish Council have resolved to agree to spend £30,000 on procuring the design team including a project manager to get the plan to the stage where the Council could apply for planning. Alongside this phase, Councillors are also exploring other options if the main Community Hub can’t go ahead for any reason. The funding being used for the procurement of the design team comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy received from developers when new buildings are erected in the parish. BPC currently have just over £60,000 of CIL funding with another approximate £93,000 to come from the development at Watercress Fields.
The Clerk is meeting with Rother District Council in November 2024 to scope out their support for the project as well as discussing some of the land ownership and planning elements of the project. No funding will be spent until this meeting has taken place.
Further information will be sent to each household in the Autumn Parish Newsletter due to be sent mid November.
If you have a question that hasn’t been answered here, please do contact the Clerk on or 07375 809 660