Consultation on the draft Burwash Neighbourhood Development Plan is complete

A six-week consultation period has now been completed for the draft of the Burwash Neighbourhood Development Plan. The plan gives residents the opportunity to create planning policies for Burwash and to protect the village from unsuitable development built purely for profit.

The draft was based on two years of research and a call for sites (which allows people to propose sites for housing) carried out by many residents of our three-village community. Volunteers and Parish Councillors wish to say a huge thank you to the 529 people who sent in their comments. Every single comment has been considered and added to a consultation report.

Changes suggested by consultees have been made to the draft plan and these will be considered by the Parish Council at a meeting in August. Once the changes have been agreed the draft plan will be submitted to Rother District Council for their observations. The plan will then be considered by an external examiner for authorisation, prior to a referendum in which every resident will be invited to vote for or against the plan.

To read a summary or full version of the draft plan, please go to the Neighbourhood Plan website.